FABRIC : Li/Co Chevron
Painter (1912-1956)
On the procedure of drawing, he preferred to tack the unstretched canvas to the floor, walk around it, sometimes put knees on it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting. We reconstructed that, by been inspired from his Rail Worker Jacket or Coverall Jacket which have been worn by him on his portraits shot on his drawing process.
画家 (1912-1956)
彼は絵画制作において、キャンバスをアトリエの床に直接留め付け、その周りを歩き回ってその四方から作業することを好みました。そのような制作作業時の彼のポートレート遺されたRail Worker JacketやCoverall Jacketにインスピレーションを得て、それらを再構築しました。